2023年5月26日 金曜日
その時 私は
同じこの花を 見つめていた
不思議なことに その時はなぜか
シャッターを切れずに ただ見つめていた
昨日 あらためて
この花を 描きに行った
亡き友に 想いを寄せて
シャッターを きった …
Five days ago, on the 21st, a friend of mine left this world after photographing this flower called ‘Mitsugashiwa(Menyanthes trifoliata)’ at the lotus pond in Nagano.
At that time, I was gazing at this flower in a swamp deep in the mountains of Oguni Town.
Strangely enough, for some reason, I did not release the shutter at that time, but just stared at it.
Yesterday, I went back to paint that flower again
I was thinking of my friend who passed away, I clicked the shutter…
(Oguni Town, Yamagata Prefecture)
※ The language of the flower of ‘Mitsugashiwa(Menyanthes trifoliata)’ is, I express myself.