2022年5月28日 土曜日
四日前の 風薫る日に
久しぶりに 黒沢峠を歩いた
苦難の道を歩いた 古の旅人の姿が
朧げながら 脳裏に浮かんだ
イギリスの女性旅行家 イザベラバードが
144年前に旅したことで 特に有名だ
けれども 私には
どれほどの旅人が 人生をかけて
この石畳を 必死に歩いたか
耳奥に響いて 止まなかった
Four days ago with a balmy breeze,
I walked along the Kurosawa Pass for the first time in a long time.
Whenever I gazed at the moss-covered stone-paved road,
the image of ancient travelers who walked the hardship path vaguely flashed in my mind.
The Thirteen Passes on the Echigo Highway, including the Kurosawa Pass,
is particularly famous for being traveled 144 years ago
by a British woman traveler, Isabella Bird.
But I could not stop the sound of their footsteps echoing in the back of my ears,
as I wondered how many travelers had spent their lives desperately walking along these cobblestone paths.
(Oguni Town, Yamagata Prefecture)