2021年4月11日 日曜日
― フクジュソウの花ことばには、“幸福”“祝福”“幸せを招く”などとともに、「悲しき思い出」がある ―
When my mother was still alive, the small garden of my parents’ house was filled with various seasonal flowers that she had nurtured and beautifully bloomed. When winter came, my mother would plant flower bulbs that were sensitive to the cold in pots and arrange them in the living room. The living room, which was not very spacious, became cramped with flower pots, but my mother kept a gentle eye on them as she watered them.
My mother was particularly fond of amur adonis flower. In a large purple pot, there were a lot of amur adonis. When she passed away about 30 years ago in January, there were still many pots left in the living room of my parents’ house. We three brothers shared the amur adonis flowers and brought them home. But unfortunately, we let those flowers die after a few years. I still carry that painful feeling with me today.
― In addition to “happiness,” “blessing,” and “inviting happiness,” the words of the amur adonis flowers also include “sad memories”. ―
(Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture)