2021年8月29日 日曜日
身震いしながら 目が覚めた
冷気が肌を刺してくる まだ薄暗い外に出て
山を じっと見つめる
ぼんやりとだが 山肌が賑わっているようだ
やわらかな絵のように 浮かび上がってきた
その上には エゾヤマザクラたちが立ち並び
ときめきの春を 奏でていた
さらに 背後の残雪の山々では
木立が 霧氷の衣装を 纏っていた
― これは 夢か現(うつつ)か ―
圧巻の 桜絵巻だった
In my car,
I wake up with one sneeze and shiver.
I step out of the car, which is still dimly lit with the cold air stinging my skin, and stare at the mountains with my eyes.
Vaguely, the mountainside seemed to be bustling with activity.
Soon, a grove of budding and fresh green trees appeared like a soft picture. On the top of the grove, the Sargent’s cherry trees lined up and played the song of spring. And in the mountains behind the lingering snow, the groves were clothed in drizzling ice.
― Is this a dream or a reality? ―
This was a breathtaking cherry blossom picture scroll that can only be found in the northern land.
(Furano City, Hokkaido)