2022年10月19日 水曜日
15日~16日の二日間にわたって 開催されたTCC(Team Champions Cup)
風景写真撮影の日本一を目指して 団体戦が 繰り広げられた
予想以上に 熱いタタカイだった
負けて 呆然とする人 涙する人も 多数おられた
私は 審査員のひとりとして
つらい光景を 目の当たりにしなければならなかった
私は あいさつの中で
“勝ち負け以上に 貴重な勉強の場にしましょう”
勝ち負けが すべてを決する状況のようだった
“審査員の方々のコメントが とても勉強になりました”
という声も 少なからず 寄せられた
私は それで 少し救われた
その日は 奥志賀高原で ひとり 夜を明かした
渓流の美しい紅葉が 私の疲れを リセットしてくれた…
The TCC (Team Champions Cup) was held over two days from the 15th to the 16th.
Eleven teams of five, selected from all over Japan, competed in a team competition to become the best landscape photographers in Japan.
The battle was hotter than expected!
There were some who screamed with joy, and many who were stunned or in tears after losing.
As one of the judges, I had to witness a painful scene.
In my speech, I suggested, “Let’s make this a learning experience that is more valuable than winning or losing,” but it seemed that winning or losing was all that mattered to the competitors on the stage.
Still, there were a few who said, “I learned a lot from the comments of the judges.
That helped me a little.
That day, I spent the night alone in Okushiga Kogen.
When I woke up the next morning, the beautiful autumn leaves of the mountain stream reset my exhaustion…
(Yamanouchi Town, Nagano Prefecture)