2023年6月30日 金曜日
この地の とある網元の方が
枕元に現れた 白狐のお告げにより
― 元乃隅神社 ―
123基の 赤い鳥居が
うねりながら 海に 向かっている
激しい風が吹き荒れ 強い雨が降り続け
とても不思議な 光景だった …
“Motonosumi Shrine”was built over a period of ten years by an Amimoto,
who accepted a prophecy from a white fox that appeared at his bedside.
123 red torii gates, undulating, facing the sea.
When I visited, a fierce wind was blowing,
it was raining hard,
and there was no one around.
It was a very strange sight …
※“Motonosumi Shrine” is one of the “31 Most Beautiful Places in Japan” (2015) by CNN, an American television station.
(Nagato City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)