2021年9月29日 水曜日
砂に埋められた 卵の中で
すくすく 育った
殻を破って 砂の中から這い出る
彼らは 天敵から襲われないように
早足で 海に向かう
小さな体なのに 卵から出たばかりなのに
本当に 速い
四つん這いで 必死に追う
“元気で!”と エールを送った
※ ウミガメの生存確率はおよそ1/5000といわれる
A baby sea turtle grew up in an egg buried in the sand.
About two months later, the babies break out of their shells and crawl out of the sand.
They head out to sea at a fast pace to avoid being attacked by their natural enemies.
Even though they are small and fresh out of the egg, they are really fast.
I crawl on all fours and frantically chase after it.
As I clicked the shutter, I wished him “Good luck! I cheered.
(Yakushima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture)
※ Sea turtles are said to have about a 1/5000 chance of survival.