2022年6月28日 火曜日
必死で 逃げ回り
わずかな確率で 生き延びる
やがて 渓流を遡上し
産卵を終え 命をまっとうできた
ワカサギが いた
私は 感動のあまり
ワカサギに そっと触れ
その冷たい感触が残る 指で
シャッターを きり続けた
After desperately running away from the many black bass that live in Lake Hibara, they finally have a small chance of surviving
Eventually, there were a Japanese pondsmelt that had made it up the mountain stream, finished spawning, and were ready to live out their lives!
I was so moved that I gently touched the Japanese pondsmelt and continued to click the shutter with my finger, which still felt cold to the touch.
(Kitashiobara Village, Fukushima Prefecture)