2024年9月6日 金曜日
ゆったりした動きの 優雅な舞いが繰り広げられる…
風の害を封じ 五穀豊穣を願い
演奏と唄 そして踊りが
粛々と 続く ― おわら風の盆 ―
The day after the commemorative lecture at the Musee Fukuoka Camera Museum, I was able to photograph the Owara Kaze no Bon Festival for the first time.
The elegant, slow-moving dances are accompanied by the melancholy tones of kokyu (an Oriental fiddle)…
The Owara Kaze no Bon Festival, a solemn performance of music, song and dance over three days and three nights to ward off wind damage and wish for a bountiful harvest.
(Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture).