私は 写真教室の下見と撮影のために
だが 車を走らせた直後に
秋元湖から 呼ばれた(脳裏に浮かんだ)
私は 急遽 目的地を裏磐梯に切り替えた
同時に フランキー(昊其鴻)さんの顔が 思い浮かんだ
彼は 10年以上も前に 小国町での私の撮影会に
また彼が 毎年のように撮影で裏磐梯に来ていることも 後で知った
しばらく前に 届いていた
私は “予定が詰まっているので また次の機会に”
29日の早朝に 秋元湖畔に佇むと
夜明けの素晴らしい光景が 待ち受けていた
彼は 羽田空港に向けて出発する直前だった
私たちは 短い時間の再会を喜んで 別れた
― 実り多き 寄り道だった ―
After photographing maple trees in Akiyamago (see above), I was planning to head to Oguni Town (Yamagata Prefecture) for a preview of my photography class and to take photographs.
However, right after I started the car, Lake Akimoto popped into my mind.
I had to quickly switch my destination to Urabandaï.
At the same time, I thought of Frankie(昊其鴻)’s face.
He had attended my photo session in Oguni Town from Hong Kong more than 10 years ago.
It was because my book “Spot Photometry” had been translated into Chinese and sold in Hong Kong.
I also learned later that he comes to Urabandaï every year for photo shoots.
A while ago, I received an e-mail from him saying that he would be in Urabandai until October 29 and would like to meet me when I am available.
I had responded, “I have a packed schedule, so we’ll have to do it another time.”
Early in the morning of the 29th, I stood by the shore of Lake Akimoto and was greeted by a wonderful scene at dawn.
After taking pictures for a while, I headed to the inn where he was staying.
He was just before leaving for Haneda Airport.
We parted, happy to see each other again for a short time.
― It was a fruitful side trip. ―
(Kitashiobara Village, Fukushima Prefecture)