― 先月の嬉しい出会い ―
爽やかな 朝だった
満開の シダレザクラの 傍らで
胡弓の静かな音色が 流れた
大気の粒子に 溶け込んで
やすらぎの エリアが 生まれた
心地よさそうに 胡弓を奏で続けた
シダレザクラと 私は
ただ うっとりと 聴きいった …
- A happy encounter last month -
It was a crisp morning with a dignified air.
The quiet sound of a kokyu (a Chinese fiddle) was playing beside weeping cherry trees in full bloom.
The melancholy tone blended with the particles of the atmosphere, creating an area of relaxation.
The performer, who comes to see this cherry trees when they are in bloom, continued to play the kokyu in a pleasant manner
The weeping cherry and I just listened in rapt attention …
(Takayama Village, Nagano Prefecture)