― 霜月上旬のある日 ―
誰もいなくなった 尾瀬ヶ原に
雪が 降りつづいた
だが その夜には
大気は 急激に 冷え込んでいった
湿原に ひとり佇む 私の眼前に
奇跡の 光景が 現れた
池塘は 一夜にして氷に閉ざされ
大気には 霧が満ち
太陽は 和紙に包まれたように
ぼうっと やわやかな光を 放つのだった
神々しい 自然界の姿に
わたしの感激の涙が こぼれそうになった …
― One day in early November ―
The mountain lodge was closed,
and snow continued to fall on the empty Ozegahara.
That night, however,
the sky was full of stars and the air cooled rapidly.
The next morning,
as I stood alone in the marshland,
a miraculous sight appeared before my eyes.
The pond was frozen over overnight,
the air was filled with fog,
and the sun was shining softly as if wrapped in Japanese paper.
I was almost moved to tears
by this divine sight of the natural world …
(Ozegahara, Gunma Prefecture)