小学生の女の子二人 と ご両親が
写真展会場に 来られた
四人は 一時間半ほど
じっくりと 鑑賞された
DMに使用された ブナ林の光芒が
一番好きだと いわれた
小学生の 二人は
それぞれ 好きな作品を10作品以上も
姉妹でも 好みはかなり 違っていた
菊池渓谷の 晩秋の作品だった
そして それは
好きな理由を 尋ねると
と 答えた
そして お母さんは
と 話した
思いがけない お二人の答えに
私は ドキッとした
感受性の多様性を 実感した
― この写真展も いよいよ 明日(17日)で終了です ―
A few days ago, two elementary school girls and their parents came to the exhibition hall.
They spent an hour and a half looking at the works.
When they had finished,
I asked them which was their favorite work.
The father said he liked the glow of the beech forest used in the DM the best.
The two sisters, both elementary school students, each wrote more than 10 works of their favorite
Even the sisters had very different tastes.
The one that they agreed on was the one I uploaded this time, which was taken in late autumn in Kikuchi Valley.
And they said it was their mother’s favorite work.
When I asked her why she liked the piece, she said
“Because the sunken leaves look like fish,” she replied.
And her mother said, “Because the flowing water looks like agar.
I was thrilled by their unexpected answers.
Once again, I realized the diversity of sensitivity.
- This photo exhibition will finally end tomorrow(17th).-