私は 尾瀬の聲に
耳を 心を 傾けてきた
およそ一万年の歴史を有する 尾瀬に
写真家として 育てられてきた
草花は 健気に 生きている
彼らと共に 朝日を仰ぐとき
たくさん いただいてきたと 思う
For many years,
I have listened and listened to the whisper of Oze.
By doing so,
I have been raised as a photographer by Oze,
which has a history of about 10,000 years.
In the nutrient-poor high-rise marshland
The flowers and grasses are alive and well.
When I look up at the sunrise with them,
I feel that I have received a lot of nourishment for my heart called “hope”.
(Ozegahara, Gunma Prefecture)