― 夜明け前 ―
あまりにも 寒い 氷上に
フロストフラワーが 一斉に 咲いた
時間限定の 花畑だ
※ 今月発売の隔月刊「風景写真1・2月号」に、この作品などが11頁にわたり掲載されています。
― Before dawn. ―
The frost flowers bloomed all at once on the ice, which was too cold.
It’s a time-limited flower garden.
(Teshikaga Town, Hokkaido)
[Field of Frosted Flowers]
Frost Flowers
- Before dawn.
The frost flowers bloomed all at once on the ice, which was too cold.
It’s a time-limited flower garden.
(Teshikaga Town, Hokkaido)
※ This work and others are featured on a total of 11 pages in this month’s bimonthly “Landscape Photography January/February issue.